saving through indignance

After we moved in here and I used the dryer a few times, I decided that it didn’t dry great and maybe needed a duct cleaning. So I called the man whose sticker on the was on the front. Easy. I was at work when he came, but the message relayed to me by Hubbo was that the dryer was fine and dandy. I was just putting in too much stuff. Too much stuff. Because I had only just taken a class in how to do laundry and was working on my practicum.

I started hanging all the laundry on a rack out of spite. That’s right, spite, of a man I’d never met.

It wasn’t really much of a change. I already had a rack going because many of my shirts don’t go in the dryer. The only things I didn’t hang were diapers, towels, and bedding. Until summer came along. The Loftorium is like an oven come 5PM so that most things will dry within 24 hours. Not so much in the rainy winter.

Anyway, I got $75 out of the deal.

The power company will give you $75 if you save 10% over a year. I signed up last July and a few weeks ago they cut me a cheque because I saved 21%! It was mistakenly addressed to Man.

Guess what I spent it on?DSCN3455This lot came from Raspberry Creek.

DSCN3458And this one came from Fabric Shoppe.

DSCN3462 DSCN3459And these two lots came from Bee Yourself Fabrics.

I can’t resist the mystery scrap package. Now all I need is a plan…..