q4 finish a long goals

I’ve decided to ram this list full, because what’s the harm!?

1 Flannel QAYG Throw

2 Candy Flowers Pillow

3 Marmalade Squares II Quilt

4 Scrappy Nametag

Happy to report that I have finished my Rainbow Coin Quilt! Here it is hanging in the VMQG Modern Quilt Showcase

5 Sew Together Bag

sewtogbag6 Garden Party Quilt

gardenparty7 Sommer Tunic (can’t find the pattern right now)

sommertunic8 Liberty Dress, although I believe it’s a size 3, which no one in the house is wearing right now…libertydress9 Foxy Tunic. I have such lovely vintage patterns and I am running out of time to make them. This size 2 might end up a squeeze, but I’m doing it anyway. I’ll put it on the monkey doll if I have to. retrodress10 Raspberry Kiss Quilt. These blocks were an amazing extra in #swapmystashcanada. They are the remnants from the Calgary MQG’s block lotto and are the perfect kick start for this quilt. raspberrykissblocks

11 Project 48 Quilt E

12 Project 48 Quilt G

This is an extremely unlikely finish, since I’ve only just cut out block 15(guess how many there are) but I’m throwing it in there. If I finish on time these will be TV throws for my goomies.

p4813 Hexie Project

I might still make this placemat, but my original plan was duff, because I couldn’t decide on a background colour. Suggestions welcome.

That’s all I could find for this round. You’ll be seeing quite a few of these in the 2017 FAL too. Good luck sewing, people!


finish a long q3 list of promises

Q3’s promises aren’t much different than the last two. However, that Rainbow Coin quilt will be done soon, because it is going to be in the VMQG’s first quilt show this August!

1 Rainbow Coin Quilt
2 Flannel QAYG Throw
3 Candy Flower Pillow
4 Marmalade Squares II Quilt
5 Scrappy Name Tag

vmqg challenge6 VMQG Challenge Placemat

There’s going to be some big finishes this time. Happy sewing all!

finish-a-long q2



He was gift from Bean’s grandparents when they lived in France. This is what he looked like when he arrived.

Four years later, we decided he needed his own quilt. A reward for devoted service. He’s a seasoned veteran in the bedroom, earning his stripes (and greyish tinge) during sleep learning. Beeksie is so important that he isn’t even allowed to leave the house, unless he goes on vacation. He’s supposed to sleep during the day, but lately he’s been sneaking down to the living room and disappearing. The quilt should encourage him to stay in bed.

Bean chose and arranged the mini charms and sat with me while I sewed them together. She particularly enjoyed the blast of steam when I pressed. It might be what kept her there a few times. She also helped to choose the backing and binding. I finished the binding overnight and when she found it in the morning it was whisked up to Beeks and he was promptly tucked in.

Beeks2That’s one comfy bunny.

Beeks1Here he is showing us the back.


Tell me, did you have a lovey? Do your littles?


q2 list of promises


finish a long q2 list of promises


Will I be more successful this quarter? Maybe.

I will rollover all but one previous projects, the Zen Chic coaster.

1 Rainbow Coin Quilt
2 Flannel QAYG Throw
3 Candy Flower Pillow
4 Marmalade Squares II Quilt
5 Scrappy Name Tag

I will add this mini for a certain stinky little bunny.

6 Beeksie’s Blanket

Beeksie blanket 1

Also, this VMQG Challenge project due in June.

7 VMQG Challenge Placematvmqg challenge

I’m having trouble coming up with enough I Spy like hexies from the fabric given, so there will have to be some from the stash.


Looking forward to your finishes. Good luck to everyone!

finish-a-long q1

Well, here it is. My Q1 Finish-a-long contribution.

figures coaster

Yes, it’s a coaster. Math makes me shut down, so I wanted to experiment with how to make a nice sized coaster without doing any real measuring. This is from a mini charm pack of Zen Chic Figures and I made a disappearing nine patch. I learned this block from Cluck Cluck Sew’s tutorial. It finishes at 5×5 by some miracle. I put the shiny batting in between, so it is somewhat thermal.

I took a good bash at my Rainbow Coin Quilt, I really did, but between a sore back and two small children, I did not have the strength after 8PM to be crawling around the floor basting a quilt. I was also a bit frustrated by the raggedyness of the bottom. I did hack a ton of it off, and with it many of the coins. Not sure how it all went so wrong.
rainbow coin quilt

This first one was just a Hello Darling Nine Patch and it’s a bit big.

I am sorry to report that the beautiful mug you see in the picture, the one I have my morning coffee in, has chipped. Unfortunate dishwasher accident this week.
It was a gift with (macadamia nut) purchase from Hilo Hattie. We were on our honeymoon and had just visited Kapaia Stitchery. It was across the street, so we just had to stop in.

Congrats to everyone on the fabulous finishes! Perhaps my list next quarter will be less ambitious….


garden tote

The Little Sprouts Garden Program that my Bean enjoys so much is having a fundraiser this weekend and I made yet another of Happy Zombie’s Poochie Bags.

garden tote

I used Maureen Cracknell’s Wild and Free for the outside and stash for the straps and pocket.

I’m addicted to these bags. This one was for my Mom’s birthday.

spring tote

The colours are just so Springly. There might be enough of this fabric left to make me a little pouch.

My Bean is almost finished her first year of preschool so I thought I’d whip some more of these up for her teachers. Stay tuned…

skull fashion

My daughter’s Hallowe’en dress lent itself well to a crafty bite. Because it is so small, I found it easy to do a little bit after dinner most nights. I usually broke it down into similarly flavoured pieces. One evening I would cut, or sew, another I would press. Some nights I did nothing, but it was ok-I could strategize for the next bite.

The pattern was McCalls 4351. This is what it should look like.

Aw. Isn’t that one angelic looking little baby? All pink with a little bow?

Here’s my girl, the Demon Horde.

Skull Dress 1Skull Dress 2

I also made a little bag for trick or treating. Pretty sure I got this pattern from bhg.com but I can’t find it right now. I made the straps too long somehow.

ETA: This is a pattern from All People Quilt. You may have to sign up for this one.

Skull BagThis post is long, long overdue. The little bean in this photo is just over a year old. She has since worn this dress on the subsequent Hallowe’en and this year my big preschooler was a kitty. Her then 3 month old sister was Supergirl. Next year, the dress will make a comeback. And it glows in the dark.

The crafty bites have been more like crumbs the last year….

totally tote

Remember that fat quarter club I joined? Well here’s what this Amy Butler fabric inspired me to do.DSCN3454That’s right. I made this tote bag, courtesy of Happy Zombie. I received and used three fat quarters within two weeks. This is unprecedented.

I can also say that I am not the worst top-stitcher in the world.

A few changes:

I made only one pocket.

I sewed the straps on a little closer because I wasn’t sure if I would catch the sides of the pocket otherwise.

I reinforced the strap by backstitiching before going down the other side.

It turned out the perfect size for magazines. Luckily, the recipient is a great fan of travelling with magazines.

saving through indignance

After we moved in here and I used the dryer a few times, I decided that it didn’t dry great and maybe needed a duct cleaning. So I called the man whose sticker on the was on the front. Easy. I was at work when he came, but the message relayed to me by Hubbo was that the dryer was fine and dandy. I was just putting in too much stuff. Too much stuff. Because I had only just taken a class in how to do laundry and was working on my practicum.

I started hanging all the laundry on a rack out of spite. That’s right, spite, of a man I’d never met.

It wasn’t really much of a change. I already had a rack going because many of my shirts don’t go in the dryer. The only things I didn’t hang were diapers, towels, and bedding. Until summer came along. The Loftorium is like an oven come 5PM so that most things will dry within 24 hours. Not so much in the rainy winter.

Anyway, I got $75 out of the deal.

The power company will give you $75 if you save 10% over a year. I signed up last July and a few weeks ago they cut me a cheque because I saved 21%! It was mistakenly addressed to Man.

Guess what I spent it on?DSCN3455This lot came from Raspberry Creek.

DSCN3458And this one came from Fabric Shoppe.

DSCN3462 DSCN3459And these two lots came from Bee Yourself Fabrics.

I can’t resist the mystery scrap package. Now all I need is a plan…..

the wrongest side of thirty

I seem to have had a week long birthday!

On Friday, I got a package from Earthly Goods. I had signed up for their four fat quarters a month club the week before and I hoped it would arrive for my birthday. I tried to wait until Monday, but I had to rip it open that night. For $21, tax included, and free shipping in Canada, it’s a great deal. You can choose from Beautiful Balis, Collections, or Kids Stuff. I chose Collections and got four pieces from Amy Butler’s Belle. This is not something I would buy, but it’s lovely and I already have a plan for it. They don’t really do online sales, so I encourage you to phone them and join up! Support this lovely shop that has just moved to their third location.

Sew Sisters has a very tempting Kona Solids club as well. Maybe Christmas…

On Sunday, I had a mini lie-in and a “pre-work” coffee break. I used this time to look up tote patterns on Pinterest, finalise my decision and print the instructions. I may have printed more than one, but since my sewing machine has a broken gear, I can only plan.

On Monday, my actual birthday, I was greeted by a pile of presents on the breakfast table. Man gave me the gift of cheese. One fancy cheese knife, two types of fancy crackers, fancy red pepper jelly, and a gift certificate to Les Amis du Fromage!


Then two of my magazine subscriptions showed up.

As if that wasn’t awesome enough, he then offered to drive me to the fabric store! I spent at least 45 minutes at Spool of Thread unchecked, but spent less than $100.

$20 on quilt backing and borders in Kona Peapod

$20 on fat quarter frivolity

$8 on Kona Solids for the stash

$12 on a Clover Chalk pen thingy

The woman in the store was super helpful. She gave me advice and opinions. I hate it when you ask salesclerks what they think and they say “Oh it’s up to you”. Like I’m going to come back to the shop in a rage because the colours didn’t match.

Tacos were proffered but I spent too much time gambolling to make it to the restaurant.

I also got a card from my parents with proceeds for an electric blanket. I plan to get a twin. Man has no need for any heat giving device. I see now how people spontaneously combust.

I received a phone call from my brother.

On Tuesday, I got a lovely card from some dear friends and a phone call from my BFF.

There was also wine. Nothing unusual there, just thought I’d mention it.

On Wednesday, I got two packages in the mail. Two! One from the aforementioned BFF containing a card about boobs and a director’s clanging board thingy. Now when I make my amateur {ahem} art films, they’ll look a little more professional. The second was from my in-laws, deep in the Welsh countryside. Kaffe Fassett’s Quilt Romance! Brilliant! Not only did I have one of his books on hold at the library, I had thought to myself how lucky Hayley was to get a Kaffe from Roy for hospital reading. Although she’s not at all lucky. Who’s going to wash Roy’s anorak and make sure he has that ratty bag?


And then my brother and sister-in-law came over with more treats. Dog treats! Somersaults! These are so good, despite the fact they look like kibble. I recommend salty pepper. There was some cookies, nuts, and fancy gummy fruits. The cookies were mostly gone before they left.

On Friday, I ordered my electric blanket.

And on Saturday, we cheesed.

Cheese and Cracker Snacker